Review of D4

D4 (2011)
Forget the budget, it's the story!
29 January 2012
My brother sent me this DVD as a Christmas gift and we finally got around to watching it. I was a little hesitant because monster movies aren't really my thing. It was low budget and I do mean very low budget, but for what they spent on it, they sure did get far. I've seen big budget movies that Hollywood cranks out not come anywhere close to as good in terms of story or pacing but these guys did a really fine job. I read that they shot this in two weeks in the mountains which is pretty darn amazing. Most people have no idea what it means to make a movie but my boyfriend and I are avid film buffs and we've learned a lot about indie filmmaking after watching boatloads of flicks at film festivals all over the country (he drives a truck and sometimes I tag along and we catch festivals occasionally)....well needless to say, a lot of people hate on movies because they just want to be picky but I've certainly come to appreciate every level of movie but the one thing I've learned that matters the most is the story. I read a little about D-4 right before we watched it and I found out about the director's son being an epileptic and that being the inspiration for the monster in the i don't know about you but that is just sad and inspiring at the same time. How many horror movies or action movies take the time to put a piece of themselves up there on the screen? I'm going to watch D-4 again with my parents because I think they would really like it if I told them about the metaphors in it.
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