Summer of Tomorrows (2003 Video)
I couldn't believe this was really a movie!
25 January 2012
First off, I think whoever wrote the positive reviews for this movie years ago were obviously either cast or crew members because there is no way anyone would give this movie 10 stars. First off, its pretty obvious this was shot on a video camera because it looks like someone's home movie. I happened to stumble upon the "film" at 2:00AM on a Thursday morning on a small independent TV station. At first, I thought it was an old commercial promoting family values or something like that, commercials like that are fairly common at this time. I then checked the TV listings after it lasted longer than a commercial should and saw the title and looked it up on here and was amazed there was even a page for it. It is downright terrible and the reviewer who compared it to The Room is right on, but at least The Room had some production values. Then we get to the performance of the lead, also the director. His portrayal of a mentally challenged man is downright offensive. It instantly made me think of Tropic Thunder and Robert Downey Jr.'s character saying "never go full retard". Then added to that are the performances of the cast, wow, just wow. I've seen better acting in elementary school plays. I hate to criticize anyone trying to make an independent film, but the fact that this movie takes itself way too seriously just kills it. But here's the long and short of it, a mentally challenged man gets hit by a car and his family thinks he's dead, even showing the family cleaning out his bedroom. His brother gets a call from the hospital about their bill and they ask him to come to the hospital to work it out(whaaa?). When he gets there, the doctor says there's something he needs to show him and its his brother, who's alive without a scratch on him. And then to top all of that, he's no longer mentally challenged!!! From there, he seems to develop "powers" of some kind, becoming some sort of genius/telepath. Yeah, the story is beyond dumb and ludicrous, so much so they should have just made it a superhero/comedy movie, at least then it could have been a little clever, instead, its downright laughable and offensive.

There is one bright spot in the movie, the girl who plays Kenna, Nicole Nealon, is beautiful. She's not much of an actress but she's a looker.

In summary, if you're a fan of really bad movies, this is one you should put on your list. If I was with a group of inebriated friends, I think this would provide a lot of laughs. If you're looking for a powerful, uplifting drama, I'd watch something else.
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