C. Thomas Howell has some Zombies to Kill and Some babes to Bop.
25 January 2012
Written and Directed by: Thunder Levin.

Really enjoyable fright flick with some laughs,Very much like ZOMBIELAND.

Feels like a Blaxploitation rift by a Tarantino or Fred Williamson.

Enjoyed the Urban feel when seems most types of these films take place in a small town or remote,These sets ARE NOT out of the way,'You are Knee Deep In URBAN DECAY !' More than adequate cast including -C. Thomas Howell ( Asylum Studios alum nowadays) and GregAlan Williams ( From BAYWATCH TV) and Johanna Watts ( Soon to be be seen in American BATTLESHIP) brings a realness into a Mutant,Vampire& Zombie environ.

Sound track was pretty good with VITAL,Doing most of the soundtrack justice.

Some nice lines of dialogue and some borrowed to great effect.
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