Not Great But Not Bad
22 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Obviously only Ed, Edd n Eddy fans review this movie based on the scores. Do not get me wrong, I adore the first three or so seasons of the show a lot even now that I am older. Sadly, somewhere around the fourth season it took the goofy qualities too far and just kind of became obnoxious. Having just discovered the movie on Youtube today though, I thought I would try to be as objective in my opinion as possible for this finale. My opinion? Better than those last few seasons, but still lacking.

Some of my biggest complaints over the years has been the over exaggeration of the voice acting and the lack of genuine conversation and quieter moments. Sadly, they still persist here. Everyone talks by shouting their lungs out most of the time and I could hardly find a minute of the show that did not have people falling on or crashing into something. Sometimes it was humorous and sometimes it was just filler. The funniest bits were from the side jokes strewn about about the mayhem (my favorite was the dialogue used in a scene with a peanut). Do not give me the "but they always did goofy physical gags" argument because the early seasons actually had quite clever writing, character development and simplicity that made it rather smart. Even Ed's phrases were more clever and less random than here (usually they were word plays or bits that somewhat related to whatever was in the scene).

I will say that this definitely had a lot more plot than most of the last few seasons. After a clever intro credits and a ludicrous but entertaining car chase, the movie keeps the various threads moving at a consistent pace. Admittedly, sometimes the journeys are more fun than the results. The Ed's journey is overall entertaining to follow if a bit overwrought (could have used a bit more substance to the obligatory "friendship strained" bit). Rolf's plot had some potential, but kind of meandered about a lot of dumb gags to a non-ending. Jonny's plot was a serious waste of time and should have been integrated into Rolf's thread for some better character development (especially with the lame ending to his story). I enjoyed the bits with Sarah, Jimmy and the Kankers for what screen time they had. The best of the threads, however, involved Kevin and Nazz. At least here they were trying to do character development and it had some nice moments. All of these threads, however, suffer from just not having the heart of the first few seasons. The show is just trying to be goofy without simplicity, but at least here it is not trying to hide that anymore.

The best segment occurs at the very end with a surprise reveal of....Eddy's Brother! Although it feels a little short (if it had more to do with the plot, I could see it having a lot more heart and appeal), it added a different dimension to the story that actually made me care.

Big Picture Show is not the series at its finest, but for a finale it could have been a lot worse.
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