exploitation with cult following
19 January 2012
Lady Terminator cashed in on the success of The Terminator (1984). It was made in Indonesia and had some troubles making it. Still, the flick looks awful but had some following. By now it's still in the top 5 list of flicks coming out of Indonesia. It surely was hell for first time actress Barbara Anne Constable. She was a professional dancer and model in the UK but took the opportunity to make a flick. It was said due the story (about the South Sea Queen) that it only would be released in Indonesia but it didn't. It was badly overdubbed and crossed the seas to the States and Europe. Barbara wasn't happy with that fact because she had a lot of nudity in it and because pictures became available of her nudity. She had a few near-death experiences by a car door passing her head by millimeters after an explosion. A falling sailboat mast almost killed her and she even died by not seeing an open well and just escaped it by putting out her arms to be saved. But she even walked through real glass in stead of sugar glass ripping open her leg, glass one side in out the other. But people really died, a crew member was asleep when a truck drove over his head.

Years later Barbara came beware off the cult following by googling her name. And I agreed, this is pure exploitation with a lot of gratuitous nudity from Barbara. Full of cutting and editing mistakes like the rip-off of a Terminator scene were she removes her left eye but one shot later she is replacing her right eye. The effects used are very cheap and laughable, speeding up the reel for chasing scene's for example. Laserbeams coming out of her eyes. Eels being placed in vaginas with knickers still on ( a thing Barbara didn't knew that they were adding that in the editing room). Boring sex scene's and having intercause with knickers on. Bloody shootings that go on forever and I can go on and on. This is pure exploitation with a cheesy topping. It's even so loved that it will get a Blu Ray release in 2012 and they are trying to get Barbara involved, one to look forward to.

Gore 1/5 Nudity 2,5/5 Effects 1/5 Story 2/5 Comedy 0/5
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