The Big Year (2011)
was expecting long and boring. I was very wrong. Much better then expected. I really liked this movie a lot. I say B+
18 January 2012
"I wanted to be the greatest birder in the world." Stu (Martin), Brad (Black), and defending champion Bostick (Wilson) have all decided to the the "Big Year" (a year long competitive bird watching event). In the middle of trying to become the next world champion all three face decisions that are much bigger then the birds. I have said many times that I think about 80% of the way you feel about a movie is based off of expectations about it going in. This is one that I was not looking forward to. A movie about bird watching with Jack Black (I have never been a big fan of his) did not sound appealing to me. Halfway through this movie (and Jack Black) won me over and I really enjoyed this. This movie was about so much more then bird watching. Dealing with some very heavy issues and as much of a drama as a comedy this is a movie very much worth watching. I recommend this. Overall, a good movie and much better then I expected. I don't think I'd watch it again though. I give it a B+.
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