Allen Gregory (2011–2023)
A show with a good concept but poor execution.
16 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'll probably be the first to say that I liked the pilot, it introduced the main character Allen Gregory, who is a pretentious super genius, forced to go onto Elementary School instead of being home schooled for him to experience a life beyond corporate business, Allen thinks it would be a walk through the park but is faced with the reality that regardless of his talents, and intellect, he is really not above everyone else. It's not new, or groundbreaking material but with all the clever jokes, and settings that could been used, it would have made for a great show however the writers failed to really see the potential of the show, and in turns we were left with a bunch of dull, stagnant filler just to fill in the 8:30 - 9:00 time slot for a Sunday night block. The main problem with the show is the characters themselves, Allen Gregory in particular, he's a smug, pretentious little twerp who acts as though he's on top of the world, and is a total suck up yet he's able to walk all over everyone, and continue his nasty attitude, no real conflicts, no development, nothing. His dad Richard is pretty unlikable too, he's a homosexual stereotype; a male prima donna. He has that same problem of acting like he's on top of the world, and getting through life rather easy despite being a bad person. One thing about him is that he made a straight man (no really he is straight by will) into his love partner against his will. Everyone else are easily forgettable. The humor revolves almost entirely around the antics of Allen Gregory, and his father but considering the unlikability of their characters the delivery is really lackluster. Allen Gregory does have good points, the voice acting is rather well done for what it tries to work for, it gives you a sense that the characters (of lack thereof) are there. The animation is decent as the characters do look realistically designed, and the art gives a classy feel to it but the character movements are really stiff.

All in all, Allen Gregory would have been something great if the writers actually knew what they were working with but what came out was just a depressing waste of a good concept.
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