Good film, great fun
10 January 2012
This is a really cute little film that will leave you feeling great, as well as hungry! All of the food looks awesome, and I like the way that they talk about it with such passion. Perfect film for chilling at home with some Indian takeout.

Aasif Mundvi is of course awesome as the caustic sarcastic Senior Muslim Correspondent on the Daily Show, but he shows a different side to his acting as the determined but troubled Samir. Naseeruddin Shah is brilliant as the taxi driver/chef. I loved his references to this crazy life that he has lead, and the way he really demonstrates passion and skill at cooking. Madhur jaffrey was a nice surprise as well. I have only seen her on the cover of cookbooks and jars of sauce, I didn't realize she could act as well! The story is simple but well told. You really feel for Aasif, and this is what carries the film along. Definitely recommend buying it on DVD when it comes out Jan 24th.
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