Game of Thrones: Fire and Blood (2011)
Season 1, Episode 10
Season 1 Review
8 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
If I had to put it into one sentence, "Game of "Thrones" is a fantastic HBO series. While it is more dialogue than action for a fantasy series, it works out tremendously with great characters (backed up by great actors) and a complex storyline. For people who haven't watched this show before should give it a test run; it might work out for you in the end.

After the first episode "Winter is Coming", I knew that this series was a winner. While the writers threw a lot out at you in the first episode, with the Starks and Lannisters, it was never too much to understand. The episode showed a lot of sex, a lot of story and a lot of character development but it all fit into the one hour frame they had to work with. As the season continued, I never got tired of it. The dialogue, while there is a lot of it, never seemed to bore me which surprised me. I found myself to love the blood and sword fighting when it appeared but I never missed afterwards. I sort of got use to the idea that dialogue is going to be a huge part of this series.

While dialogue is most of the episode, "Game of Thrones" does give you some intense action sequences. The short battle between Jamie Lannister and Eddard Stark in the episode "The Lion and the Wolf" was suspenseful, graphic and very entertaining. Even the trial by combat the Vale in the episode "A Golden Crown" was both suspenseful and exciting. Those are some of the battles to be seen in this 10 episode season.

The series also does show it's fair share of twists and turns. Whether it was the death of a major character in the episode "Baelor" that made audiences so angry that they threatened to stop watching the show (seriously that actually happened) or story twists that threatened the King's life, the season never back down from giving audiences shocking twists to keep them entertained.

"Game of Thrones" Season 1 was absolutely amazing. The characters are greatly acted out (especially Peter Dinklage as Tyrion Lannister the imp), the story is complex and full of twists, and the violence while not a lot until the final episodes are exciting to see and graphic. This was a powerful season and I strongly recommend it to anyone who loves fantasy and complex story lines.

By the way, since I have read the second book "A Clash of Kings" I can tell you Season 2 will be fantastic. I have read the first three and I believe Book 2 is the best of all of them.

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