Which was better, this original or the remake?
2 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
About 15 minutes into this film I had the strong feeling that I had watched it before, yet I knew I hadn't because a few details weren't falling into place. A little research turned up that it was remade in 1939 as "Stronger Than Desire" with Walter Pidgeon in William Powell's role and Virginia Bruce in Myrna Loy's role.

Usually I could tell you that either the original or the remake of a story was better, but I can't really do that in this case. Each film has its strengths and its weakness, but each film is also quite excellent.

In the Powell/Loy version, the marital relationship is portrayed best, although that's not to say that it is poorly portrayed in the Pidgeon/Bruce version. Perhaps its that natural chemistry that was so common between Powell and Loy, but make no mistake, this is no comedy like the Thin Man series...this is all drama.

On the other hand, the courtroom portion of the story is better in the Pidgeon/Bruce version.

But, in the Pidgeon/Bruce version, the best friend of the wife encourages the affair in a manner that seems malevolent, while in the Powell/Loy version it seems more a silly whim, which seems more likely based on the rest of the stories.

In both the cases, the plot twist at the end is interesting! And I recommend you watch both films.

In this version, the best friend is played nicely by Una Merkel, and she does so nicely, although she shined much more in other films. Interesting to note that in this film the part of the real murderess is played by Isabel Jewell, who played the woman going to the guillotine at the same time as Ronald Colman in "A Tale Of Two Cities" just a year later, and the prostitute in "Lost Horizon" three years later, and that "white trash Emmy Slattery" in "Gone With The Wind" in 1939.

Having said all that, I have to add that the one big weakness in this film is that trials certianly don't work the way the trial is depicted in this film. Nevertheless, it's an interesting film, although I enjoyed it most because I find William Powell a fascinating actor to watch.
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