Drop-Dead Atrocious: Absolutely no redeeming qualities in this movie
30 December 2011
Bad movies can be categorized into two groups. The first group is that they're so bad, they're funny, and they ultimately achieve a cult status. The latter group contains movies that are flat-out bad and possess no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I purchased Sex and the Teenage Mind for two dollars (tax included) at a run-down department store in a trailer park neighborhood. I am currently debating if I should go out of my way to return this movie for my two dollars back, even though I'll spend more on gas going there.

Sex and the Teenage Mind has no novel qualities. The plot is exceptionally cliché: sexually frustrated nerd and his moronic and equally sexually frustrated friend want to find sex in high school. Is there a deadline or something else at stake for this to happen? No, of course not, because that would follow BASIC LAWS OF SCREENPLAY WRITING, and that would just be too smart for this masterpiece.

The girl isn't even that hot. I don't understand why it received an R rating, although there were two vulgar words and no nudity. One cannot make a movie called "Sex and the Teenage Mind" and it not have any sex scenes. Furthermore, the acting was God-awful - every single actor and actress (maybe not Danica McKellar, but that's just a maybe). The jokes were puerile. The dialogue was joke within itself.

Basically, the DVD box is more interesting than anything in this 90 minute debate of me shooting myself in the temple. In summation, I purposely registered on IMDb to speak to the world of this complete abomination. Do not buy it. Do not watch it. Do not speak of it. MGM has produced many worthwhile movies, and because of that it is not right to slander its name with this atrocity.
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