The Secret Circle (2011–2012)
The Secret Circle is a must-see!
23 December 2011
The Secret Circle is definitely a show that is worth your time. Don't judge it just because the central characters are teenagers, it doesn't only focus on them. Any adult who is into genre shows such as this, will find just as much enjoyment out of this show as anyone else. It has a promising Pilot that offers massive potential for the show, and trust me when I say this, the show does take advantage of that potential and is developing into quite an addictive and fun new TV series. The farther you get into it, the better it gets and the more compelling the characters and story become. Once you get passed the first three episodes, the fourth episode, "Heather" is really when the show catches its footing. It becomes darker, more mysterious, the pacing becomes faster and the show itself begins to develop into a really great series of its own.

The Secret Circle is a show where you can't make assumptions and think you're right, because the writers will end up spinning that assumption and giving you the unexpected. The show is compelling, it has a dark theme, plot-twists, there is mystery, romance, action, drama, horror, and of course the paranormal/supernatural elements of witches and magic.

Like I said, The Secret Circle is a must-see! After all, it isn't an official People's Choice Award nominee for nothing.
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