Rare Exports (2010)
22 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This movie truly did disappoint. I was so looking forward to it based on the premise of a different take on the Santa Claus myth, and it is, but it didn't deliver the goods. Not until literally one hour into the movie does the big reveal occur and even then, it's not much that's revealed. I was expecting an evil Santa Claus. There is some foreshadowing, a tad of delayed introduction, and I guess what you could consider a twist based on the previous 2 techniques. As you watch it, you learn that what was shown earlier during some book-reading by the character Pietari is the surprise. But it's not a surprise because it was all shown if you're paying attention.

The main problem with this movie is Pietari knows too much and it never explains why his curiosity originated. You want them to show you the things he explains because it makes for a better movie. Let the viewer figure some things out based on exposition, not dialogue. Plus the relationship with his dad and friend aren't the usual type of interpersonal relationships you'd expect from such people; mainly by the way they talk to and treat each other. I guess that's how it's done in Finland. There are some English speaking parts, some of which are kinda funny based on the translation. The movie simply takes too long to get good and when it does, it falls flat. It could have been a highly unique take on Santa Claus. Everything was there to make it happen but execution just didn't get it right. Pietari being the main character, it's almost like it's made for kids. It even reminded me a little of Millions by Danny Boyle which also disappointed. Kids might enjoy this but there is full frontal nudity from the elves. Yes, there are elves. Again, everything was in place for this to succeed, including reindeer, but it just didn't happen.

This wants you to go with the idea that Santa punishes the naughty of all ages and if you're a kid, what happens to you definitely won't be pleasing, good kid or bad. The idea is presented in the very beginning of the movie. There is some cussing but not nearly enough to make that particular plot device effective. Special effects were good for what they were. The cast is very small and that could have worked in this movie's favor. It could have been very isolationist but victory was too easy for the protagonists. That means the big payoff you want as a viewer doesn't achieve fruition. They get to a certain point, continue to tease it, and never deliver. Trolljegeren is a movie that uses fairy tale and myth and it DOES deliver. I'd recommend that movie to anyone. If this was done in that fashion and in the horror comedy/fantasy genre, it would have been a dynamite movie.

This simply doesn't live up to expectations. You really want it to because you want certain things to happen but they don't. It's not budgetary concerns. It's not even the directing. It's not the cinematography, not the actors, not the pacing. It's the script. The story itself tapers off after the introduction and stays on a level course. Nothing to grab or wow you even though you know it could until just before the climax when things start to pick up. The climax is pretty sweet cinematically but again, nothing really happens and it's very short-lived. It doesn't deliver. The story goes someplace else, not where you want it to. It's so disappointing to see something with the potential to be a great original movie fall flat. I just can't stress that enough.

I can't really recommend this movie because I know why someone would want to watch it but it's not gonna be what you expect it to be. I'd say watch it just to see how the ideas are explored and from there you can concoct your own movie in your head as far as what they could have done with it. If you're like me, your imagination will run wild and you'll appreciate what they tried to do here. That doesn't mean you'll like the movie. Take it for what it is. Watch it with zero expectations. Otherwise, you'll be as disappointed as I am.
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