Review of Octopus

Octopus (2000 Video)
"Octopus" delivers the goods
21 December 2011
After just seeing "Octopus" and enjoying it for what it is, all these ultra-negative reviews are hard to figure out. What were these critics expecting from a Grade B sci-fi flick from 2000? Sure the script and cast only play it semi-straight, but you can tell they had a good time. Sure the special effects reflect the cartooney CGI of that era, but they get the job done. The question is, is "Octopus" entertaining for what it is? Does it deliver the goods, so to speak? Definitely.

The first thing that impressed me was that the filmmakers actually came up with a wildly creative and original plot rather than rip-off one of Peter Benchley's stories ("Jaws," "The Beast," etc.), which is what the sequel did, "Octopus 2: River of Fear." The story of "Octopus" starts in Bulgaria, where the film was shot, with some intense action. A love-to-hate terrorist is captured and needs taken to America. The quickest way to do this is via a dishonored submarine captain who's in the area. To escort the terrorist, the US government is forced to use a CIA agent who is really just an analyst and has no experience being ruthless when necessary, like, say, James Bond. Meanwhile the terrorist's organization seeks to abort this transfer by taking over a cruise ship and intersecting the sub at sea. On top of all this is the titular sea creature, mutated to behemoth proportions, which dwells in the 'Devil's Eye' (similar to the 'Bermuda Triangle') and threatens to put the kibosh on both submarine and cruise ship alike.

Totally outlandish and larger-than-life? Yes, but the filmmakers and cast play it pretty straight with some lighter aspects and humor thrown in for good measure. The film only turns totally outrageous like "Deep Rising" in the final act but, by then, it's pretty much expected and (for the most part) welcomed.

Aside from the highly creative storyline the film impresses with its five main characters: the world-weary captain of the sub, his black first officer, the CIA agent who doesn't want to be James Bond, the sexy blond oceanographer, and the love-to-hate villain. They're all fleshed-out well and are memorable characters. The viewer comes to care for the four protagonists and can't help but root for them. The oceanographer is intelligent & spirited and looks great when she's ultimately forced to take off her skirt (lol).

The ending is too over-the-top and ridiculous, but it comes with the territory.

The film runs 100 minutes.

FINAL WORD: I was expecting a lame low-budget sea-creature-on-the-loose flick and got a low-budget sea-creature-on-the-loose flick with an imaginative story, flashes of intense action, notable characters, likable protagonists and the ultra-alluring Carolyn Lowery.

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