A great Christmas family film
20 December 2011
There will be those who are critical of the over simplified message of this film, those who feel that Eddie Izzard was not the right person to play the key role but I think that they are over complicating this.

A seasonal film that has you laughing, crying and puzzled in equal measure until the ending glues it all back together. So many threads that in the end all make sense and the parts played by Eddie Izzard, Jason Flemyng and Geoffrey Palmer are stand out for me. The young lad who plays Goose either is a natural, or took direction superbly.

There is only one section that is not researched well, and you will know it when you see it, but that is forgivable to an extent because the rest of the film is so good.

Deserves awards and should become a Christmas Classic every year from now on.

Enjoy it with a glass of wine, cuddled up on the couch with the kids and a box of tissues. Children over the age of 12 will understand all the themes, children under that age will still understand the main theme of the film.
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