Some nice scenery aside... seriously... can it get any duller??
15 December 2011
Dull as dish water. No wait. Duller. I was so utterly bored that I started studying the patterns on my ceiling - which doesn't have any patterns. Damn!! I dunno... maybe one needs to be comatose to enjoy this thing. Unfortunately I'm a guy who yearns for a little excitement every now and then. The truth of the matter is that I really wanted to like this film. The theme of man going into nature I found appealing - I really loved INTO THE WILD (one of my favorite films from 2007) - but here I was just bored witless. Sure the on-location shooting in Utah was nice - loved the snow, the mountains, the valleys, the desert, etc. Redford was okay although I always saw him as more of a movie star than an actor in every role he played. I actually thought that Will Geer and Stefan Gierasch gave the more memorable performances here. But all this is a moot point because the whole affair is so dreadfully dull and pointless. Man meets some good Indians, man meets some bad Indians, man marries a good Indian, man wanders around the solitary landscape, man builds a house, bad Indians destroy said house, man wanders some more, etc. And all done with minimum dialogue. For large swathes of this film you feel like you're watching a silent movie. And none of what I saw I could engage in. I just flat out didn't care. I remember in the past thinking DANCES WITH WOLVES was boring but compared to this WOLVES is an outright adrenaline rush! Sydney Pollock really divides me - at times he can create very good stuff like THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR and THE YAKUZA and at other times he gives me coma-inducing stuff like this and OUT OF Africa. Still... the absence of Meryl Streep means that this one gets an extra point. Otherwise it may have been a 1/10. And that, of course, is PHANTOM MENACE territory. Thou shalt not enter.
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