Look past the title
10 December 2011
This is found on the DVD of the 1932 version of The Mummy, and is a retroactive making-of documentary of, you guessed it, said picture(near the very end, it goes into the sequels as well(including the Abbott and Costello one...), though never the Sommers ones(for which I am quite grateful)). It consists of clips, interviews(with crew from it or their offspring and the like, as well as film historians, who have very compelling things to say), behind-the-scenes stills, and a little horrifyingly corny narration by host Rudy Behlmer, who(or whose writer) must have also come up with that off-putting pun they used for a name for this production. They go into the strained working relationship between the two masters of their craft(Johann(her belief in the occult is detailed as well) of acting and Freund of cinematography(taking on the role of director for the first time)), the arduous make-up process(hours of pain to apply or remove), other, works by these same people(such as Frankenstein... with that one, the similarities are really obvious, and they don't try to conceal that), and the restraint of not showing off the titular creature. The editing is good, and this is very informational and interesting. There is a bit of disturbing and violent content in this. I recommend this to any fan of movie itself, as well as the commentary track by Paul Jensen. 7/10
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