Supernatural: My Bloody Valentine (2010)
Season 5, Episode 14
Two Horsemen down two to go, Way to go Team Free Will! Pestilence and Death "Wait your turn"
10 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Ever since we've seen War I wondered what other horsemen would be like and the answer came with this extra creepy old man. Famine was the only logical yet not forced answer to all the bizarre things going on from the get go. Writer Ben Edlund proved that he can make the audience laugh ,cry and heart broken all in one episode, not forgetting to throw in some disgusting scenes and gory deaths in between.

Famine's effect came far more destructive than War's and it will sure be lingering around in the season for episodes to come making us wonder will Sam's weakness be the reason he will say Yes to Lucifer as he mentioned to Dean last episode?

Sam's daemon blood addiction was last brought up on "Free to be you and me" when he resisted swallowing the daemon blood but we all knew it was not over and I wondered when will they bring that up again. Jared Padalecki gave an amazing performance as weak helpless Sam and again with the all hopped up on daemon blood crazy eyes Sam. I was glad Sam didn't hide his hunger for daemon blood from his brother asking Dean for help and to lock him down, I was touched to see him lying helplessly on the bathroom floor hand cuffed to the sink and I was heart broken to see him give up to his weakness and in the end though we didn't actually get to see it, I found my self crying upon hearing him screaming asking for Dean's help in Bobby's detox panic room.

Cas too wasn't left unaffected by Famine, we spotted him eating all through the episode because the hunger for red meat reached out to his vessel.

And then there is Dean, every episode we see him slowly dying from the inside, he knows he is helpless and can't save his family no matter how hard he tries especially with Michael's words to him last episode about destiny and the illusion of free will and with all angels other than Cas convinced that he will eventually be forced to say the big Yes and kill Sammy. Dean is already feeling defeated and it reached out to his soul killing him from the inside. He is the only one left unaffected by Famine because nothing will ever satisfy him and bring him joy. Jensen was breathtaking with his performance, We could see Dean's pain to Sam's addiction clearly in the man's eyes and his broken voice. And though Sam came to his rescue, he was even more shocked seeing Sam again giving in to his addiction and using his daemonic powers. He broke our hearts with his inability to bear Sam's screams unable to help his little brother and save him and his plea for help on the closing scene was purely heart wrenching.

This is my all time favourite episode, I never get tired watching it. My favourite moment is with the boys and Cas and the naked hugging cherub aka Cupid. It was cute to see Cas as part of the team and instead of Dean subjecting Sammy to embarrassing situations, we see the boys team up against Cas volunteering him to comfort the crying cherub.
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