Five Desperate Women (1971 TV Movie)
Five Desperate Women (TV 1971) *SPOILERS*
4 December 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Don't ask what made me want to watch this, I'm just a sucker for bad cinema. I was somehow able to stay focused enough on the story, with all of it's terrible acting from a basically an unknown cast. Corny dialogue all the way, horribly boring character development, I was begging for this cast to start getting offed after the first fifteen minutes, but no, 'Five Desperate Women' drags us along for something like fifty minutes, and still nothing much has happened by that point. Our body-count is a poor one: one guy near the beginning, the dog, and thankfully the one woman who they somehow managed to write as being expertly more annoying than the rest of them.

I really don't know what it is about this film. It's got terrible writing, mediocre production, bottom barrel acting, predictable as all hell, but it still somehow managed to keep my attention, because the whole time I could just feel they were going to try and come at us with that clever twist near the end. Even the clever twist at the end is so predictable you can see it within the first half hour of the movie. My friend who I viewed this movie with simply just said "That one was bad. Probably one of the worst I've seen". I was laughing my a$$ off. Call me a sucker for bad cinema, but this one certainly does take the cake more than anything else I've viewed in a while.

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