Battlefield 3 (2011 Video Game)
Very impressive and enjoyable shooter.
4 December 2011
I've never played the Battlefield series. Sure I downloaded a demo and got a few kicks out of it, but nothing really engaged me; save for the WW2 setting of one of the games. That's just about it as far as I'm concerned.

But now I'm into Battlefield 3 and by the looks of it, needless to say, I'm REALLY impressed of how realistic and hectic it really is. With exceptional sound, I felt like I was really in a war zone, fighting through terrorists with an arsenal of weapons and vehicles such as tanks and jets; though their use is sadly limited as I've always wanted more variety and things to do in a game. But in one action set piece, you get to drive a tank through a Middle Eastern city blowing up not only tanks, but the whole freakin' scenery along with the terrorist forces. I've always wanted to drive a tank in a video game(and maybe, possibly in real life) and blow the sh*t out of things. Thankfully, Battlefield 3 gave me that opportunity.

Speaking of scenery, the graphics are really great with lots of detail in the levels and billboard signs, all in various languages, giving the game a cultural feel amidst the backdrop of war, in the field and covertly. But I was a little disappointed that the single-player mode should've been a lot longer with more missions and variety of tasks to do in said missions. Hopefully, in the next game the developers can focus on making a more lengthy single-player mode with a better story and more choices on how to approach a mission with different tactics. Since this is my first time to the series and that I have enjoyed the multiplayer aspect of the game, I'm willing to get more games in the series but for now, I'll be itching to see what EA and co can do with the inevitable Battlefield 4.
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