Deliver Us from Evil (1973 TV Movie)
Deliver Us From Evil (1973) *SPOILERS*
30 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
It's hard to believe that this film is nearly forty years old, and I would dare to say that it is still thrilling by today's standards, without relying on extremely expensive special effects or gore or of any of the like. I was in the mood to watch something on the order of 'A Simple Plan' with Bill Paxton and Billy Bob Thornton, and 'Deliver Us From Evil' was a definite inspiration for that one. Other reviewers have likened this movie to 'Deliverance' but I can't say as I haven't seen it yet. The acting is decent, although I had only ever heard of George Kennedy before.

It's hard to believe that this movie was made for TV, and it really is a shame that more people don't know about it, because I would definitely recommend it.

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