One of my favorites
30 November 2011
Lioret directed his best picture, that won the Silver Seashell and OCIC award in Donostia (San Sebastian). Jean ROCHEFORT is excellent, Ticky HOLGADO is great! Laura del Sol is just correct. The role played by Sotiqui KOUYATÉ is also great! Marisa PAREDES is the only one I don't like. The story of people that live stuck-ed in an airport is really interesting. Spielberg took it and made a stupid picture with Tom HANKS named "The Terminal"; he tried to copy LIORET but failed instantly! This movie is one of my favorites. Fine cast, very good script and an excellent directing. But what happened to that movie? I can't find it in shops, either in internet. It looks like it's been erased from the earth! that's terrible! I think that the only way of getting it is going to France, for buying it. If somebody knows how to purchase it, please, let me know.

Instant classic; 8 out of 10.
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