Review of Swann

Swann (1996)
Titillates but does not deliver
29 November 2011
The film had no plot advancement. So many possibilities, so little follow through. It's hard to believe the story we were ultimately led to was one of the least interesting paths to follow. Why bother with flashbacks when the murder, and the motive for it, were never fully realized? There was no story arc. The film seemed to fragment and dissipate into nothing.

What was the point of Richardson's stalker? Why did the Ontkean character turn her down sexually citing "bad timing" and then suddenly they fall into each other's arms with no idea of what happened in between? There was a lack of continuity, such as Richardson having sex with the stalker guy she seemed to like at one point, and her nightgown is down to her waist with exposed breast, but in the immediately following shot, her nightgown is fully up, straps and all.

What was the Fricker tumor thing all about? It seemed to be a temporary distraction, as were most of the scenes.

However, I did stay awake through this dud of a film and that's saying something.
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