Respectable (2006– )
A hidden gem
29 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I remember watching this back in 2006 and was immediately hooked. It was a delightful little comedy, and Jodi Albert (Hailey) was the star of the show with here innocence and naivety. It featured a host of colourful and likable characters, with some revolting and funny one liners from Barry the builder and Maureen the Madam.

One thing I will say though is that the protagonist (Michael Price) seems to frequent the brothel about once a week and at £120 a pop, one must wonder where he gets the cash from as his wife is a hawk with his finances.

There is a beautiful blossoming romance brewing between Michael and Hailey, as they natter about their dreams and aspirations and in the last episode you understand just how much they care for each other. It was quite clever from the writers, as you actually begin to care what happens to them, much in the same way as Ricky Gervais did in The Office with Dawn and Tim.

I do feel that if this had been on BBC2 or Channel 4 then it would have received more coverage and therefore more ratings. To be honest it was one of the few Channel 5 programmes that I have enjoyed and when you consider some of the dire comedies that get churned out, it is a shame more episodes were not made.

If you can find this on DVD then buy and enjoy.
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