What was the point of this movie?
29 November 2011
Kate Reddy lives a busy life. She is a high-rising finance executive and a mother of two young children. She is often away from home, causing family strains and whatnot. What happens when Kate suddenly gets a big assignment, that requires her to stay away from home for more than two months?

To be honest, I was at a struggle to write a summary for this movie. I couldn't think. Words couldn't come to me. This movie didn't do anything for me. The movie played for 80+ minutes, but there was no real progression in its story line. Nothing happened.. Really. After the movie ended, I wondered what exactly was it that the directors wanted to show to its audience.

I don't recommend watching this movie, unless you're looking for a time waster.. If that's the case, go ahead and rent this movie.

Viewed on: November 29, 2011
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