An offensively unfunny clip show of "undeground" jokes.
22 November 2011
As I started watching this film I thought it was alright, not funny but at least not as bad as some other things on the bottom 100 list, say "Meet the Spartans". As the movie went on though, it got progressively worse until it was no longer just unfunny but downright offensive. The jokes are made to offend, but it's not the vulgarity that makes them offensive (though there is plenty of that too), its the intrusive uncanniness of the jokes that offends me. That anyone would think this tripe is funny just makes me lose my faith in humanity. And not only do the jokes lack humor to the point of being painful, they are drawn out for soo long, they just go on and on and on; kind of like Family Guy but not in a good way.

It must be pointed out that this film has no plot, really, there is none, there isn't even an attempt to hide the fact that it's a clip show. Watching this is like an evening of looking at funny clips on Youtube, except that you never see the funny ones, just the offensive stuff. I think in the end that the film makers were so concerned about being "Underground" that they forgot to put any comedy in their comedy movie.
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