A real Bastardo
18 November 2011
John the Bastard (1967) was truly a fun movie to watch. I loved the opening music theme in Spanish about John and the opening scene showing various woman John has made love to and left. It was funny the scene where John is being forced at gunpoint to marry a young woman by her kin only to say "no" on the wedding day and then be rescued by his faithful servant Morenillo, who admits latter on to being stupid and is fiercely loyal to John even though the latter is always calling him names and being cruel. What is interesting about the Don Juan theme in this SW is how the main character is by no means a hero and is truly a bastard in many aspects still you cant help yourself to be entertained by his character and enjoy his various ways of conning people and walking over various woman and men alike. John the Bastard truly wants revenge for being born and being an outcast finally getting the closer of knowing who his father is by tricking his mother who calls her son the Devil. I don't want to spoil anymore of the story it is a very good movie and John Richardson's character will grow on you even though he's a bastard!
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