Review of Hisss

Hisss (2010)
Hooray for Bollywood!
15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This film is from India, and a few annoying production points. The first is, that the main characters speak alternately in English and Hindi. There seems to be no reason for this at all.

The plot is that an Rich American named "George States" is dying of brain cancer and has hired a bunch of Indian thugs to help him capture the mate of the Snake Goddess so he can force her into giving him immortality. The snake Goddess takes on human form, and then proceeds to have a bunch of misadventures killing would-be rapists.

Meanwhile, we have the hero of the film, a police detective investigating strange crimes where would-be rapists are half-digested by snakes.

Frankly, they are trying to milk ten minutes of story out for 140 minutes of movie. The only plot relevant points are at the beginning of the film when the Snake Goddesses mate is captured, and the conflict at the end. The rest is probably unnecessary.

This movie is worth it for the hot actress who plays the snake babe, and nearly gets naked every other scene, with strategically placed whatevers over the naughty bits.
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