After watching this film, you wish you were sucked down a black hole!
15 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Never in my life have i watched such a mediocre film! this film I just...ugh.. I can't even describe it.

The plot goes like this; A bunch of space explorers find a ship that looks vacant. So they land and have a look around and find this man who has a crack-pot plan to go down a nearby black hole. The humans try to escape when they find out some gruesome truths about the man who runs the ship (I can't even remember his name). One nearly escapes but dies. The rest have this battle in the spaceship to escape with these annoying robots that you just want to take a hammer to.

Rubbish, rubbish, RUBBISH! The acting is beyond terrible. I wouldn't be to surprised if they picked up some randomer off the street and forced him to act in it. I looks very like that! Now if you have looked at my lists and are saying to yourself "This is rich coming from a guy who likes Batman and robin" To me, this is worse. Just watch it and see how terrible it is! The ending is absolutely horrible and pointless and when the credits roll up you sit there wondering "Why did I buy this pile of tripe" . The affects are also very bad. they were trying to go CGI which was a very bad idea. The plot line tries to be interesting but no wit or originality comes out. All the characters are Cleche and No character really stands out.

If the ending wasn't so horrible, they cleaned up the acting, came up with the movie 20 years earlier then maybe I might have liked it. Now don't get me wrong, I love B sci fi movies with low budgets that come up with imaginative story lines and inventive materials. B sci fi movies are My second favourite Genre and are a lot better than the modern ones. What I don't like is movies that you know have been fired out because the makers want to get every penny in your pocket. For a B movie, you need to have care and affection for the movie your making , not just wanting to make it for the money.

I know I'm nit-picking but this is what i honestly think of the movie.

If you want a good snoozer give it a watch. If not I can't recommend anything in this movie for you.

(I hope I haven't offended anyone in this review and I mean no offence)
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