Citizen Ruth (1996)
What it means to be a pawn in a political struggle
12 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This was supposed to be a comedy, but I really did not find it funny. It wasn't really black comedy as we were not laughing at death, and Ruth's situation was so appalling and stuffed up that we felt put off by her as opposed to seeing it funny.

The movie opens with Ruth having sex with a guy and she isn't even enjoying it, so she is booted out. She is not allowed to see her kids, and everybody seems to hate her, and she is hooked on inhaling paint fumes. She lands up in gaol, and is charged with the crime of endangering a fetus, but can get off by having an abortion.

This is where the comedy is supposed to come out for two groups, the pro and anti-abortionists. They make the anti-abortionists right wing fundamental Christians, and the pro-abortionists are bizarre, moon worshiping lesbians with huge Vietnam vets protecting them. Both are trying to force Ruth to follow their lead, but in the end she manages to escape. The one good thing about the movie, is they leave her walking away. She has not changed, nor has she redeemed herself - she simply has a choice now. She can choose whether to have the baby or not. Personally, she is probably going to abort it because she still has the charge hanging over her head.

As I said, this is a disturbing movie in the way they try to make it a comedy about a person you really don't want to laugh about. She is alone, selfish, and addicted to drugs, and in the end, you really don't want to get to know any more about her.
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