Review of Break

Break (III) (2008)
Good flick!
11 November 2011
So here's my opinion. My guy friends were raving about this movie so I decided to watch it and surprisingly it was good. I'm not big into "indie" type films so I was hesitant, always thought they were artsy and it turns out there not all artsy so consider me a fan now! I liked that its based off a comic book, I know you can't really tell at times but the characters and dialogue make up for that. This film had so many funny scenes in it, I was really LOL'ing a lot which was great- but I was surprised the whole time because you don't see the funny parts coming. I really loved that the fighting scenes weren't to harsh and I didn't have to look away like most other fighting scenes. PLUS the hit-man Frank was really, really cute, and you loved his character, he was a nice guy really. Kudos to the girl who wanted to seek revenge and the singing girl. Liked that Marc Clebanoff wrote strong characters for women and they weren't victims, finally! See some girls kicking butt. I actually thought it was Sheryl Crow signing when I first heard the song Break in the beginning, turns out it wasn't it was "blonde"! You'll have to see it to know what I'm talking about if you haven't. I would actually tell a lot of girls to see this film too, its not just a boys movie which is great! Oh and the ending.. OMG girlfriend, crazy, crazy,crazy! that's all I have to say about that!
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