At best, a very poor attempt at something interesting!
10 November 2011
This film tries to sell itself on "feminism, sex art and education" it only succeeds on one of these.

Feminism - not in my dictionary, there are moments of man hating and moments of lesbianism, but there is never any constructive mention of equal rights.

Sex - this is succeeds on, but its gratuitous, unpleasant and pointless. various acts of sexually explicit stage performances are shown in detail. There is even a scene where a woman allows her cervix to be examined by strangers, apparently because most doctors are men and therefore not enough "women or female bodied persons" (?) get to see a cervix. Ridiculous.

Art - art is very subjective but to my tastes this is as far from any kind of art i can think of. There is at best very loose story lines or points to any of the stage work you see, it is also all shot with what appears to be a hand held camera in the crowd, this makes the picture shaky and unpleasant to watch.

Education - this gets a little wound up, cause the idea of this education anyone is repellent. it tries to teach women to hate men, all through the film there is references to men controlling women, but none of them are confronted with a educated response i.e. trying to gain equal rights for men and women, not gain more rights for women than men.

i see the film makers as a female version of a male chauvinist and for that reason alone this film loses all credibility for me.
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