Review of Boot Hill

Boot Hill (1969)
An Excellent, Highly Unusual Spaghetti Western.
4 November 2011
"Boot Hill" (1969) is directed by Giuseppe Colizzi and stars Terrence Hill, Bud Spencer, Woody Strode and George Eastman.

The screenplay by Collizzi concerns a circus travelling the West who pick Cat Stevens (Hil), who has been injured by a mining company who are after his claim. When the company's henchmen kill a circus acrobat, former gunfighter Tomas (Strode) teams up with Stevens to avenge the man's death.

This is a very underrated Spaghetti Western, brilliantly photographed (by Marcello Masciocchi) and edited (by Tatiana Casini Morigi) with an unusual script, handled well and shot through with weird moments of humour and very well handled by the director, whose third film with the duo Hill and Spencer, after "God Forgives, I Don't" (1967) and "Aces High" (1968) this was. Although there are connections in this film with the previous two, it is sufficiently divorced from them that you can watch this and not the previous entries in the trilogy.

From the great opening scene to the final gun battle, this is one Spaghetti Western you can't miss.
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