Moronic Film
1 November 2011
Warning: Spoilers
This is a stupid movie that has no substance with a man drinking to oblivion. This idiot is a parasite and a pimp, who lives from the living of a hooker. This scum is worse than a pimp, at least the pimps provide for the hookers, but this scum, even gets gifts from them. His mother switched him from bmilk directly to Dewars whiskey as an infant and this explains him lying fully shaved and dressed with a bottle in an adult playpen. This imbecile has no talent ends up in Vegas with a severance check, who should not have been employed in the first place, since he comes across as a lazy talent less bum.

Then he stays in motels and casinos with obnoxious behavior without ever getting busted. If was jailed into a cell he would have been sobered up fast by the inmates and gone to work like the rest. The movie gives a bad picture of Vegas, as of it is a heaven for bums and hookers. The acting is not up to par. Any one can act drunk, you don't need special skills for that. In fact, I have seen better acting by homeless bums than this Cage guy, who are also better looking. He has one fixed expression like smelling a gas leak, and he is unduly hyped actor. This Shue girl can't act and she is not even good looking (why do we have to see a woman taking a p? is this some kind of an artistic expression by the idiotic screenwriter? There are no other friends or history of any relation as to why this bum ends up in Las Vegas. There are enough bums like this we don't need a movie to glorify these lazy rich bums supported by easy money from bank loans, without having to work a day in their life. This director is not Scorsese, even though he might think he is. The dialogs are stupid and meaningless "Let me know when you are ready for plain rice" what exactly is plain rice? may I ask? Movie is as bland as plain rice-an extrvagantly moronic movie.
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