Some Brilliant Moments, But Shockingly Bad Overall
1 November 2011
I wish I could say I loved this movie. The artists at Chess Records have been my heroes for more than thirty years. I really wanted to love this movie, but I just couldn't.

It wasn't the historical errors, but just a whole lot of really bad acting, and the way certain performers (Jeffrey Wright as Muddy Waters) turned incredibly powerful, charismatic creative people into boring, drippy, whining losers. What's even more frustrating is that Mos Def is passable as Chuck Berry, and Eamonn Walker totally nails Howlin' Wolf -- but those two actors get about five minutes of screen time.

And of course, just to pander to the vast audience dying to see Adrien Brody and Beyonce make out (????) we get a pointless and non-historical "love affair" between Etta James and Leonard Chess.

And just when it can't get any dumber, we have Willie Dixon's voice over, which must have been put in for all the eight year old kids who were presumably dying to watch this movie and learn about the blues. ("Ya see, an acoustic guitar is fine when they ain't nothing' but empty fields around you, but in the city you gots to have . . . an electric guitar.") Thanks for clearing that up, Willie.

This is me, banging my head against the wall.
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