Review of Ringer

Ringer (2011–2012)
I'm a fan
29 October 2011
What I love about Gellar's new series is the way it slowly evolves each episode, revealing a new layer to the rich tapestry of it's characters. Just when you think you're figuring out the motivations (and trajectory) of a character you find out something new and you're given a new perspective.

One thing this series is not is predictable. The only time I could understand the CGI criticism was during the boat scene where the two sisters (both played by Gellar) were meant to be on an open air boat hurtling across the ocean but could be heard speaking softly over a baldly rendered ocean background. Apart from that the brief CGI scenes shared by the two were flawless. Could this scene be a stylistic approach? It looks as it should, it sounds as it should, but something is 'not right'. Reality has been altered and manipulated. Then again maybe it just comes down to budgeting and time constraints but personally I would like to believe in the former.

Gellar plays the two sisters with subtlety. After all she's playing twins who share mannerisms yet are completely different people. Gellar is acting one character who's acting as another... but she pulls it off. The banter about her 'not ageing well' is rubbish. Talk about unrealistic expectations. I would like to see who's sitting behind the keyboard.

8 Stars so far.
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