Uninhabited (2010)
My girlfriend nearly left me cause because I chose this piece of garbage to watch...
29 October 2011
From the moment the sickening cinematography performs a cliché 1st year film school pan across the deep blue sea, we felt like vomiting with the pretence of what was to come. Next it seemed that the sound engineer was trying to do all his work in a foley studio. At one stage the girl was breathing heavily and we couldn't even see her chest move. The love making scene was worth something out of 'Dallas' perhaps. It was not erotic. The dialogue was bordering on the banal and empty. I mean seriously, who knows these types of people. The writer? What rock has he been living under to regurgitate such spaghetti brained individuals. Really there's not a lot to say. Except it was awful. They were supposed to be clever but they do stupid thing after stupid thing. The girl doesn't play so bad (Please don't put this on your resume though love), but the guy should should go back to KMART commercials if thats where they found him. The ghost - Stupid. Not really a ghost either. The heavy metal fishermen who don't speak English - Why , how...completely useless in the film.

Anyway as a film, its no good. It is a waste of time, the director should not have put his name to it if he wants to direct again and the writer should consider seppuku.
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