The Mark (1961)
Like a "Scarlet Letter" for our time
28 October 2011
This is such a great, intelligent, courageous film, about so much that's right and wrong in our culture - good parenting, disastrous parenting, thoughtless media, unthinking prejudgments, psychology grounded in reality not dogma, fear, ignorance, innocence, love, hate, and the reach for deep inner joy and redemption. This is besides the great acting on the part of everyone involved, and the great direction, script, and cinematography. The film is not what the subject matter might lead someone to believe. I guess it's not better known because it is in part such an indictment of our anxieties, unthinking cruelty, and self-righteous morality - without condoning in the least the guilt at the heart of the central tragedy. It should and does make viewers uneasy - not because we're all repressed criminals at heart, but because we so often, as individuals and as a culture, refuse to look deeper than appearances, settling for inanities and superficial distractions, ignoring the profound possibilities for the growth of nobility we're all capable of, no matter what we've done. It may seem unrealistic to some, considering the kind of crime it revolves around and the nature of many if not most such criminals, but that's just the point - so often, without bothering to really investigate, we think we know enough to label and condemn.
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