Once again, Robin Givens provides the sex and the sizzle in "Enemies Among Us."
27 October 2011
By and of itself, "Enemies Among Us" is a sprightly and, within its boundaries, tense film. It deals quite adroitly with the issues of international terrorism, political maneuvering, and American political complicity in international nefariousness. Yet the reason to savor it, the cause to exult in it is, as usual, Robin Givens. Although she is not in any sense the star of the picture--indeed, she really and truly doesn't have that many scenes--her role as government interrogator and former cop's wife Gloria genuinely stands out through her free-flowing sexiness, her sizzling intelligence, and her crisp authoritativeness. When she's leading the questioning of her and her colleagues' international soldier/prisoner, her smooth forcefulness and her graceful sex appeal have us riveted to her. When she's on the phone dealing with her uniformed cop ex (Eric Roberts), her sass and her spirit put us immediately on her side. And when she orders that said soldier/prisoner be "terminated"--translation: killed--after five minutes, her beauty and her suavity prevent us from being repulsed. The lady herself has asserted, concerning the quality she seeks in a mate: "I want someone who can handle me. And I'm not the easiest person to handle." Robin Givens's performance in "Enemies Among Us" puts us in a mood to gladly want to attempt to handle her--and to be fully excited regarding the challenge.
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