Really dumb fun
26 October 2011
Let me begin this review by stating that I Loathed Wrong Turn 3. After two extremely solid entries, I was given Insipid acting, cgi blood from 2002, and characters I couldn't have cared less about. This crap resulted in me wanting to punch through my television. And yet, the thing sold so here we are with part four. Hoping producers realized that they made a mistake with 3, I was all in, until I saw 4 was by the same director. CRAP!! Or is it? Declan O Brian must have known his limits as a film maker, in turn attempting to inject a sense of fun into this entry instead of having idiot prisoners give moral speeches like the last. In varying degrees, he succeeds.

Wrong Turn 4 is stupid. REALLY STUPID. In fact it would take up all the space in this review to encapsulate all the mistakes the characters make throughout. Hell, I'm shocked these people were able to live outside the womb. But O Brian adheres to the hillbilly formula this time, instead of breaking it, and created one hell of a ride. The opening sequence is an astounding array of chaos and PRACTICAl effects and blood, which transforms into sleazy, campus sex with four of our main teens. After said nude introduction, the rest of the cast comes in and a wrong turn to a cabin is made. Put the pieces together. there is not much else to reveal except death spoilers, which I will not partake in. This flick is tailor made for gore-hounds, and they are the ones who ultimately will love this. being a gore-hound myself this film has serious replay value.For casual viewers; friends and a vast amount of beer is necessary for this to be a stupid,bloody,fun as hell romp through The West Virginian snow.
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