The Howling: Reborn (2011 Video)
Twlight, Jr. Meets Scream
23 October 2011
Howling: Reborn, The (2011)

* (out of 4)

Thirty-years after Joe Dante's THE HOWLING was released, we get this direct-to-DVD sequel that's obviously more interested in copying TWILIGHT than actually doing anything on its own. Eighteen years after his mother was murdered, Will Kidman (Landon Liboiron) is about to graduate when he starts feeling certain changes. It turns out that he's actually a werewolf and a "wolf leader" (Ivana Milicevic) is after his powers so he must try to fight them off while at the same time falling in love with a girl (Lindsey Shaw) that he's always had a thing for. THE HOWLING: REBORN is the eighth film in the series but the first one in sixteen-years and I think it's easy to say that we wouldn't have had this movie had the TWLIGHT movies not been so popular. Granted, none of the previous sequels were all that good and none of them could touch the original but this film here is a real insult to everything that pre-dated it and it's a real shame because for months the producers have been talking this film up as some sort of return to form but in the end it's just pure garbage. The biggest problem is the screenplay by writer/director Joe Nimziki. It's clear he just wanted to deliver a love story with horror elements but the problem is that everything is just so corny that you'd have to be 12-years-old to take it serious. Throughout we get this stupid narration with the character talking about how different he feels and when you hear this speech you'll be wondering why the TWLIGHT producers haven't gone after this film. This is followed with the various "groups" being laid out and if you've seen TWILIGHT then you know what to expect. The majority of the running time is devoted to the love story aspect and it's just downright boring and never goes anywhere. If you come into a film called THE HOWLING anything then you're going to expect werewolves but these here don't show up until after sixty-minutes. Even worse is when they do show up and we're treated to some of the worst transformation scenes that you're ever going to witness. Throughout the movie we get these little speeches that appear to be trying to "connect" with a younger generation and this includes a few shots at older movies and werewolves. It's all just so stupid and insulting to fans of the original series and once again the dialogue is just so bad that you can't help but roll your eyes. Liboiron isn't too bad in the film but he just doesn't have enough energy to really push the film. He is made out to look like Harry Potter though. Shaw is actually the best thing going in the film but it's a shame the screenplay doesn't give her anything to do. Considering the love story aspect it really doesn't help that the two don't have any chemistry. The entire film is just a poor excuse for a movie and not only does it rip TWILIGHT but we also get some SCREAM elements including a nerdy friend who knows everything about werewolves. The only good thing THE HOWLING: REBORN has done is gotten Wes Craven off the hook for CURSED as it's not longer the worst of the recent werewolf movies.
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