Beeper (2002)
Excitement, First Class!
20 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Generally speaking I don't bother with movies that are released straight to DVD. The general standard is poor. But "Beeper" is the exception that proves the rule. Literally crammed with suspense, and produced on a lavish budget in stunning locations, "Beeper" is a first class thriller, featuring the most exciting chase sequence I've ever seen in a movie. Not only that, but the writer has also provided his players with solid characterizations and abrasive dialogue to match. Keitel and Grover have all the best lines and serve them up powerfully. Like many modern actors, Joey Lauren Adams has a tendency to mumble, but in this case it matches her lone-woman-in-a-man's-world. Director Jack Sholder has done wonders with his expansive budget, and the movie is most excitingly paced by film editor, Andy Horvitch.
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