Mask Maker (2011)
What a nice surprise !
19 October 2011
Slashers are a dime a dozen in the B-movie horror genre, so when a good one gets released, we should celebrate it.

There's no point in telling the story as it's one we've heard times & times before. What differentiates this slasher from the thousand others on the market is the great acting & writing. I found myself smiling more than I few times to one-liners, delivered by the able leads and supporting cast. My hat goes off to the female lead for being a great addition to the Final Girl mythos. She does tip her own hat to Amy Steel in the pop-psychology finale. For once, the group of friends actually act like real friends, not just a salade composée of geeks, bimbos, punks and jocks. The face-ripping shtick is a wink to "Texas Chainsaw" and some of the cinematography is straight out of "Halloween". But "Maskerade" stands on its own. Slasher fans MUST check it out.
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