A Waste of Abril
18 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Director/co-screenwriter Jacques Monnet has managed the almost impossible here. He has created a dead-boring movie on a potentially most exciting subject, and even though he had the services of the lovely Victoria Abril as his heroine, he has managed to present her as a rebellious, self-centered turn-off. Mind you, if I was forced to communicate with my spouse via a TV screen, I'd be rebellious too! And as for stoically glum Gérard Lanvin, one wonders why our pert heroine ever married him in the first place and doesn't count her blessings that the career-centered bore is now out in space. Now that would made a more invigorating if predictable movie, but at least the story would be moving along some highway, not sauntering down a tiresomely familiar street or even worse, parked in a blind, dead-end alley, or worse still, running in reverse! The support cast features some fine players, but they too can do little with their tawdry roles. And by the average standards of 1998 A-grade features, production values seem somewhat skimpy.
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