Convoluted but surprisingly decent cross between Gothic & Giallo horror
15 October 2011
Finally, yes, finally I encountered a Joe D'Amato film of which I can say I actually liked it. Even for the right reasons.

This isn't exactly a Giallo film, though the plot does incorporate a fair bit of murder mystery before eventually diving into the more supernatural spheres. It turned out a strange, rather unworldly mixture of things and at times D'Amato manages to create some good atmosphere. The story itself, even at the end, remains an illogical mystery, which only adds to the film's charm. If you give the film some thought, you'll find an explainable plot beneath it, but still some elements will remain that don't make a lot of sense. It's a convoluted cocktail of love, betrayal, murder and revenge. From beyond the grave. Klaus Kinski has a role as a professor on the verge of discovering the secrets to life after death. Sadly, Kinksi only lasts until halfway the picture (and his voice is unfortunately dubbed by another actor in the English version). Once again D'Amato doesn't exactly makes haste with his story, but for once he manages to compensate the lack of decent pace with maintaining a competent style & mood. And naturally, you may add a bit of gore & nudity to it also, but this time D'Amato didn't exaggerate. A surprisingly stylish supernatural Gothic/Giallo effort.
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