School's Out! (1992 TV Movie)
Nice End to the Series
11 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am a Degrassi Fan that grew up with these kids. I'm one year younger than them, so I related to them, and found it to be cool, and comforting as I went through my own teen dramas at the time. When I got to high school, I lost track of the High School show due to more teen drama. I guess you could say that I was living my own show with my friends, and family. It certainly was not because it wasn't an innovative classic for all teens. I think this show is timeless despite the era it was made in. I recently caught up with the High School show, and the movie finale. It was a pleasure to see how the writers aged the kids naturally through high school to the beginning of "University". As a die hard fan, I wanted to see what happened to all of the kids from the shows that we got to know, but there were too many characters to wrap up. So I think that they decided to focus on the kids they thought had the best story lines. The movie felt like a heightened version of the High School show. There were a few minor inconsistencies with some of the characters, but I understand them as an adult. That is that some characters that were hanging out in the movie, never did in High School because they were in different cliques. I think I would have been upset if I saw this movie in 1992. I was a senior in high school then. I would have said, "They never hung out in High School, that's so random!" Maybe it was as simple as certain actors not being available to do the movie. Also, I just wanted to put out a silly question. There is a minor character that was in the show from the beginning named Nancy. She never had a storyline, but was always there. She was an overachiever who was always in school government, and the school papers. Basically, she was "runnin' sh*t", but unlike other school leaders from the show, (Stephanie, Kathleen, Bronco), she never had a storyline. Why is that? I'm sure they could have done something with her. I think all of the minor characters had at least one story line in at least one show. Anyhow, the movie gives you a lot of heavy (sex triangle & alcohol infused tragedy) with some light humor (Alexa & Simon's marriage) mixed in. It makes sense for them to go a bit more heavy, and adult because they were young adults. It's the summer before college, so typically, kids are drinking, using drugs, and having sex. I love the shock value of seeing these kids curse. I actually had to stop, and play the Caitlin/Joey/Snake confrontation again because it was so shocking, and funny to hear it. It made sense, and I laughed hysterically! I think that the characters were true to themselves, and you could basically surmise what would happen with these kids as they became adults. When I learned about the Next Generation show, I was excited to watch it with my little brother, and introduced him to the original show. He liked both, and was into it for a little while, but like myself, he started getting more involved in his own real life teen drama, and fell off. I would always invite him to watch with me, but he blew it off to go to the mall, and chase girls with his friends. I understood. I watched a little more of it by myself, but fell off again because it is essentially a remake of the original. I think that Degrassi is a unique series that is a timeless classic that I would put in the same category as Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Cheers to the actors, and writers of the Degrassi series. You'll always have "high marks" in my book. A+
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