Zone Troopers (1985)
Any blonde's on there?.....
9 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
When their platoon is attacked only The Sarge, Joey, Mittens, Dolan remain.

When they're lost behind enemy lines, Joey thinks he's seen alien in the clear blue moonlight.

The next morning, Joey has been unable to convince his friends of what he saw.

Mittens and Dolan (thinking the creature was actually a deer) go on a hunt to find food, but they find a seemingly abandoned Nazi camp containing images and studies of a mysterious space craft in the deep forest, sadly they're captured before warning the others.

As this happens, The Sarge and Joey discover the UFO themselves along with an alien creature following their every move...

Any film with Dollman in is worth watching, but this takes a while to get going. Having heard it was a cult classic in some circles, I was getting ready for some camp lines and cheesy set pieces.

For the first half an hour, it's an all out war movie, with the same action scenes and characters you would expect from any carbon copy war movie. It's comical in this first sequence though because Th e Sargein one instance shoots a platoon of Germans and they all fall over at the same time.

Just when tedium sets in, it goes from generic to plain bizarre. The crew befriend the six foot cigarette eating grasshopper, and before you know it, extras from space 1999 arrive on the scene with cool ray guns and even cooler translators.

The performances are what you would expect from a film like this, and you can forgive the dire editing and effects. Thomerson is as gruff as usual and the final sequence will have you laughing at the unintentional hilarity.
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