The Secret Circle (2011–2012)
Mediocrity and plastic surgery
7 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Boring and mediocre. The only reason I keep watching this show is the lack of better programming (The Secret Circle may be so-so but is Ivy League compared to, say, Terra Nova).

First of all, the casting and acting are terrible. Britt Robertson (Cassie) seems to have had a lip job which has frozen her expression into a state of permanent puzzlement. She looks as if she says "Oh!" all the time. She is supposed to play an emotionally vulnerable teenager who has just lost her mother and is a loner (haha) but the only thing she does is pout and look puzzled.

Then we come to Thomas Dekker who looks... screamingly gay. Nothing bad about it, but for a guy who is supposed to be torn between two girls, this is not exactly the vibe you wanna give out. The worst thing is that he is actually much more suitable for Cassie's role than the lead actress.

And here I should praise Phoebe Tonkin (Faye) who is the only one who actually GETS her role right. She and Adam's Dad (can't remember the name of the actor) are the only ones who deserve distinction, the rest of the actors are just filler (sorry, guys).

Then, the plot. The only thing I remember from the first three episodes can be summarised in two short lines: Eager witches: "Come on, let's bond the circle". Model pretending to be a shy witch: "Oh, I am too little for this, I have to pout with my new lips".

So Cassie pouts and looks puzzled. Adam pouts and looks gay. There is a lip job and a couple of good-looking teens. There is a mystery. The good-looking teens get some new abilities.

Damn, teenagers will love the show;-)
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