Dylan Dog: Dead of Night
6 October 2011
Warning: Spoilers
How can a movie that has zombies, werewolves, vampires, and a giant demonic creature named Belial be so freakin' boring?!?! Brandon Routh is as dull as the movie, portraying handsome human hero, Dylan, chosen by the monsters to service their need to keep the peace (yes, a human as peace maker for all the monsters, I laughed a lot at this idea) between True Bloods (the vampires) and Gabriel's family (the werewolves), who operate a meat packing plant (yes, you read that correctly). The zombies are not allowed to feast on the living, having to follow the same code of non-violence toward humans as the vampires and werewolves. Humans are called "breathers" by Vargas (Taye Diggs, who seems to lack any type of charisma for a stud vampire), who wants to get his undead hands on a crucifix with the blood of Belial, known as the "Heart of Belial". The crucifix is thrust into a host body and the one who uses the heart as a weapon is master of the beast that will be given birth by the blood of Belial.

Going through the formalities. Elizabeth (Anita Briem) calls on Dylan to find her father's killer, which turns out to be Gabriel's (Peter Stormare) daughter. A vampire who stole the heart from Elizabeth's father has hidden it and so it is desired by both the True Bloods and Gabriel's brood (including his son played by TNA Impact Wrestling's Kurt Angle). Dylan will try to secure the heart before it winds up in the wrong hands. Dylan's best friend, Marcus (Sam Huntington) is attacked by a giant zombie controlled by someone (or something), turning the young man into a zombie himself. Marcus will accompany Dylan as they search for the heart (Marcus and his condition are used as comedy relief; perhaps Marcus is the sole entertainment value this dead horror comedy has going for it). Liz may be more than she appears, adding a twist to the proceedings. Dylan had "retired" from his gig as human peacekeeper of the monsters, due to the murder of his beloved Cassandra, having slaughtered a group of elder vampires, in turn, placing Vargas in a position of power. Who do you really think was responsible for Cassandra's tragic demise? Yeah, it's that obvious—to everyone but the supposed know-it-all investigator.

I could go on and on, but the film isn't worth the extra time. Set in New Orleans, there's no reason this shouldn't be more energetic and fun. It just isn't. A dire lack of juicy bloodshed or visceral thrills only worsens a film loaded with monsters that normally leave plenty of gore in their wake. And when your star is as leaden as Routh, there's really no hope in that regard, either. Just a shame "Dylan Dog: Dead of Night" has such little to offer when the potential for an enjoyable experience is ripe for the pickings. The plot stays busy but doesn't really offer any original ideas that warrant the kind of enthusiasm a monster mash should entail. The story also includes a religious sect of monster hunters, one unveiled and equipped with martial arts and swordfighting skills, but even her fight scenes with Diggs falls flat due to poor editing during the action. Just a flat out misfire. There is a great scene has Dylan going to a "body shop" to get Marcus a new arm (a "loaner"), but it's one too few.
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