Review of Monstroid

Monstroid (1980)
Largely useless monster movie junk
1 October 2011
I saw Monstroid yesterday, but now I can hardly remember it. That's rarely a good sign, especially since I wasn't even drunk while watching it. It seems that initial filming took place some time before the bulk of the film but was postponed by various problems before the producers decided to take another stab at it. They shouldn't really have bothered, because Monstroid pretty much stinks, its greatest achievement being that it just about manages to rise above totally tedious. The plot is a standard affair of pollution in a lake resulting in a monster that eats a couple of people, with added edge of corporate guilt and native superstition. It could have been an interesting culture clash, management fish out of water getting to grips with a populace ambivalent towards their work (in this case its a cement factory) and the possibility of being responsible for far worse things than they imagined but predictably enough no tension of this kind is present, nor indeed is any tension of any other kind. Characters drift across the screen like dead leaves in a dull draft, they talk and talk but nothing of interest comes out, they relate in uninteresting ways and advance the plot in uninteresting ways, and since the plot isn't interesting to begin with it makes the whole thing even more of a drag. Things aren't completely terrible though, the actors show a fair level of commitment and there's a nice amount of local colour as well as good scenery. John Carradine plays a local priest with a nice level of righteous fire, his scenes are all kinds of tacky fun, while Jim Mitchum and Anthony Eisley put in some effort as goodies, both are pretty colorless but there's at least the scent of effort there and they come across well enough. There are some fairly attractive women at times as well, though no nudity which totally sucks as an f bomb tirade by one of the characters shows that this clearly wasn't intended as a PG joint, and there isn't any gore so nudity was really the main thing that could have saved the film. I kinda liked the monster as well, it doesn't get a lot of screen time but its a fun Nessie style creation and in one scene it even has hands which gets a thumbs up from me. But on the whole this one is pretty gash and I wouldn't recommend it except to crap movie completists like myself.
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